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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  August 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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interviews but they released new information about thet( victim including her identity and what she may have been doing on campus. >> i got an e-mail this morning about a crisis counseling today. >> reporter: most students we talked to had not heard about the accident that killed the 49-year-old yesterday on the campus ofçói]çó san jose city c. gonzalezxd was run over by a tractor being used for on campus construction. >> in close quarters it would be moree1 someone directing lptraf. >> reporter: thet( san jose community college district police department is leading the the tragedy unfolded.rmine how ? gonzalez lived in san jose and she was on campus to reenroll in school. he had last been a student inó[ the fall of 2009. >> takeq more ó[precautions. the incident close to that happens here on campus. we have a lot of studentsok goi
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to and fro. >> reporter: beençó halted at the site of th accident. the students will be paying attention to the other construction zones on cam5. >> theyt( are well marked. i don't see why a student would be hurt or injured or killed in something like that. that is concerning for a student. >> do you feel that the construction areas are clearly marked? >> yeah. i mean, it's pretty avoidablew3 and marked off if you ask me. >> reporter: and again the construction project has beenñr stopped while the community college police department conducts its investigation. >>w3 thanks very much. campbell police have released thesei] photos from a bank robbery this afternoon. theok images are from surveillae videog9jujfw3 the u.s. bank in campbell. hese twoñi armedñr men came in at quarter
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1:00 this afternoonnd ordered the employees to give them cash and hopped intofáw3 that red tr driven by a third man. the truck was stolen andxd was left a mile from the bank and the suspects are in a-9 blue-gp tahoe ande1 small silver honda. the second day of schoolçó marred by violence. police in san jose are on the lookout for a than who robbed a student at silver creek high school in san jose. the man was armed with a weapon and approached?; the girl and tried to take her ipad and took off. he used a blunt object to att!bb we are talk about the opening day for the eastern span of the bay bridge. it was set to open on labor day weekend but?; that date was pud back to december oró[ later in the new report, though, the federal highway administration says it sees no reasonxd to del
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the opening of the bridge wince a retrofit of boltsw3q is e1com. an oversight committee will make that final and official e1 decision. more harm thant( good. "á u)áz killing off ani] important partf our ecosystem. cheryl hurd is live in berkeley. we're talking about bees.lp >> reporter: we are talking about bees. and it's something that we take but it's something that we should pay more attention to.w3 >> there is noçó more qkoáime. we have toe1 takeq a stand now. bees are in trouble.xd >> reporter:ñi terry has been a beekeeper for five years. for the first year she usedt( pesticides in her pollinating plants but not afterçó that her plants this livedqe1 without th
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chemicals and so did theçó bees. >>ok my bees reproduce year aft year. they have beene1 affected by pesticides. surprised by the findings from a study released today and co authored by the pesticide research institute. they took 13 samples of garden plants from home depot in minneapolis, washington, d.c. and here in the bay area. a large number contained%@(t&há& 8mq%%m harmful to bees. >> the results of the study shows thatq about half of the composite samples thatlp we analyzed were positive. >> so harmful that the researchers are blaming the pesticides for the death of millions of bees all over the world,g food supply.
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thousands of the flying insects are dead in the almond farm in the central valley. plantsok treated with pesticide >> it's hard to know if they have been sprayed with pesticides. don't be afraid to ask. >> this news is important for anyone that eats food. we're going to notice when bees are not aroundñi any more. road.qçó >> reporter: we rq the retailers quoted in the study and we heard back fromçó home depot. yetok but they appreciate the importance of the bee population and will be reaching out to the study groups to learn about the findings. reporting live in berkeley, i'm cheryl hurd, nbct(jf bay area n rrñ opponents of same-sex rejection from thei] state supre court today.
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they denied the appeal meaning that gayi] marriages will contie in california. they were claiming it applied3w only to the two couples whooki] filed the lawsuit against prop 8. the supreme court tossed out the challenge with little comment.wó one-on-one withxd the direcr under fireñi after accusations that he isn't doing enought( to protect the@(ple and environment of california fromt toxic harm. >>ñr the head of the toxicxd substances control sits down to answer questions afterñi a seri ñçót( ethics ejy >> reporter: they are charged with policing companies that pollute the air, soil and waterq she says itq was disappointing o hear that her department wasçó o cozy with industry but theyib right when they said it wasn't meeting its mission.
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>> we were not serving the people of california. >> reporter: we caught up with debby six months ago after herñ agency declined toñi provide anyone to speak on camera about accusations that they failed to punish companies with long histories of polluting the environment. >> i wouldó take issue with th fact that we are failinglp to enforce. >> reporter: nowht she address the failures including thosei] raised byçó veteran staffs. >> th expectations of the public is being protected is not being served. it's like making industry happy is the primary responsibility. >> howçó do youok feel when peo say the regulators are falling down on the job? >> i feel disheartened, frankly. extreme to say we're falling down on theok job. however, i would not say we are doing everything we can. >> youw3e1 issued a memo to the staffñi saying about 20% of the
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companies under dtscçó regulati were operating wihi expired permits. what numbert-j that now? >> i would love you to talk with the permitting staff. >> reporter:xd her department confirms that nu q) has not changed. many say that lpdtsc is underequipped. current records show 93xd peopl work in theçó enforcementw3 off alongside 12 criminal investigators e1overseeing 118 facilities and 100,000 generators of hazardous waste. >> do you have enough people to police the polluters? cfo >> why are folks in your own agency sayingi] there are too my chiefs and not enough warriors on the front lines? >> i'm with them in the sense that we do -- we can always use more resources. >> debby pointed out -- õkp>> s of her second in çócommand. she stepped down after her
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investigation raisedxd question about her investment inok companies that thet( dtsc oversees. ju the subject of a state investigation for a potential conflict of interest. >> did you pressure herlp to st down? >> no. >> did you think it was a distraction to what she needed to do? >> i think it was tokough on he >> we asked the director whate1 she is doing about evergreen oil in newark, neighbors have reported them for decades. >> theyi] denied it. there's nobody to help us with this. >> evergreen hasxd had oil spil i people in theñiçó community tel they smell gas and reoñrted it time and again. and they have notlp faced significant sanctions. why ist(ko okxdthat? >> evergreen is under krafrl scrutiny frvyw3 our department >> why not suspend or pull their permit? >> when we make the determination on either
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suspending or revoking aó[ lice it's based onw3 the nature of t violations. and what is ourçó authority to so? >> i think that's the frustration, t(though.dqt qzesn dtsc? >> the buck doeslp stop with dt under those circumstances we have authority for. >> but insiders say they have the ultimate authority and they blame á> they choose to worm their way out of dealing with a problem by pushingtúlt off. >> reporter: communities point to chevron in richmond when a pipe exploded, dtscñi posted a letter theying we don't have production area. >> we have the authority to shut down a business when we feel like the health of tñ%ñ communiy is at risk and when we see evidence of harm to the environment or toi] human healt >> i think the people in the communities nearlp evergreen an
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chevron would say check and czeak. >> i'mñi committed to do so bet >> in the past two years the dtsc has shut down operationst(t twoi]çó hazardous waste facilit and established this, aó[ñi pl called "fixing the foundation" to refocus the department on the mission to enforce the environmental laws and punish those who break them. >> it's my commitment that when i've gone i've left in place a system that isñr robust, defensible andçó meaningful for the future. >> can you see how some people would think this is more lip service? >> i would hope they wouldn't.l3 >> the director says her plan is on t(oluu(áusq't website with a time line and progress okreporti the next opportunity to see that cop the i]dtsc tp planning to annou& how it will fix the permitting
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program any day now. we will be following thoset( results and report them back to you. >> thanks very much. if you have a tip for our investigative unit give us a call or send usçó an e-mail]ktrc comin up,pa#1%=9m of medical mistakesñi in a hospita and also ahead, a dui crack down in the south bay goes high-tech. and good afternoon yooipgjf jeff ranieri in the nbci] bay aa weather center. look at the sky camera network, the fog is back.wápr(t&háhp@lñ the latest on the full timing in just a few minut-ñ
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do you see the 10% back in points, aw baby, i'm seeing triple again. plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. potential crisis in counties acrossçó california. strikes law means prisoners wit minor crimes at their third
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strike will be set free. it may be creating headaches in thew3 streets with little ore1 safety nets to help them e)gapt1 damian trujillo0l is live and t is one of the few agencies that does help some of theu thee-strikers. >> itçó is, and here's part of e problem.p, they have no parole or probation officers to keep them on the straight and narrow. they're on their own and some are sounding the alarm.e1 the yard at sançó quentin and otherçó prisons for the lastxd years,ñi martin, aq three-strik selling drugs. >> i just started living my life in there. year, a get out of jail card for ÷p'risons like him whose third strike was a non-violent crime. >> i didn't know what to çódo.ó!
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start making phone calls. who was going to pick me up. >> reporter: but eight months of freedom haven't been easy. >> been rough transitioning bac] into society has been -- hadñi s challenging. >> they have come from an environment that is very violent, always structured do. what you're told to do, tooke1 freedom. and really, they don't know what to do with that. >> reporter: josea5 garcia is peer support counsellor. he brought him here to the center for training and careers so he can learn a trade. he starts classes next month to lectrician. >> reporter: now theyi] worry about the other three-strikers with no one to help guide them.q ex-cons who might slip into homelessness or back into prison. >> we want them to do well.
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realignment program. it was designed to giveñãformer in mates the tools they need to stay out, like housingçó vouche and job referrals. but the reentry center was not designed to help the three strikers who don't get the housingq vouchers. >> there may not be things we have here and how doqq we build the right partnerships? >> martin hopes that counties and the state moves fastq in finding ai] solution before oth ex-cons are left with no choice by to strike out again.ñr izeájt the things thatt( martin missed after comi out of prison? nce, 63 people have been released because of prop 36. we're live in san jose, damian ó trujillo, nbc bay area news.
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closing arguments in the naso trial. and some of the most incriminating evidence may be coming from the accrm)ed killers own diary. he isñi accused of strangling fr women in the '70s and '90s. and last initials.çóq today the prosecutor read from naso'sq diaries offá how he wou stalk, approach and overpower women. naso will deliver his closing argument tomorrow. every year santa clara law enforcement agencies come together for a%áp(i down on agencies will be using social medir= connectt( with resident for ride e1alongs. >> this friday for example,ñjz altoó7! will be tweeting along their dui enforcement cars. morgan hill will be tweeting
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along the dui check point in their city. we're trying to show the public the effects of -- people are out there every day that are driékkng and driving.i] and what dangers to society it causes. >> reporter: if you want to do the ride along, search e1twitte. the duizgh crackdown starts on friday andñr runs throughñr labq day. it's so nice that summer has made a stunning comeback. >> the return it has. >> hey, guys after a strong start to summer we got that cooling period that past week and a half. and the past two days the heat surged back in. hot in the east bay yesterday but you were downok today. 90ñr officially there again in parts of the eastfá bay. 88 in san jose. low 90s from napa to santaçó rosa. the marineñerq is starting to
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come back. that is going to give us coolin3 changes. but if you are soc sick of the heat, you are right on track one of the hottest summers in years with tenñrñi days of 100 or hot in livermore. oneñi of the hottest summers sie 2009lp at this point.ñi here's the marine layeréur&ding off shore. that will be changing our weather in the next two days. a rollerq coaster ride seeing numbers going down. you can see the best eyes in the skies across the bay qarea, cler across san jose right now. excellent visibility. the air quality looking good. at 1500 feet. so we will see the cloudy at about the to four hours. in oakland, the cloud cover making it across the east bay at this hour. let's look at thelp e1forecast. the key difference lvq)e, after
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the coast and bay, the cloud cover is ñrback. the interior valleys a bit of cloud cover for you but not fogged in. the temperatures in the low 60s and sunshine byw3 11:00 a.m. an mid-70s in the interiorw3 valle. i think for tomorrow it's going to come back thickeri] especial in the north bay counties and we expect the low clouds in the morning. that will produce delays tomorrow morning. but right now it's lookingçó go. green means a t(qgo. a lot of the major airports looking good right now.w3 new york city isw3 starting to e increasing e1delays. otherwise, atlanta and boston, no issues at thisw3 qpoint. on the three-day forecast the and temperatures in the upper 80s ande1 60s at the coastline. a western weather update. the u.s. drought monitor showinq all of the bay area and most of
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california in a severe drought. soe1 it'sjf fall and winter sha up we@@wq desperate for rain drops. 6÷hank you very much. still ahead at 6:00, the for sale. añi bill he vetoed on the=iltr(c connection to fertility research. 48 days from today, california's health care exchange is officially open fora business. is the state ready? and are the volunteers ready who have to explain the laws to t(u? we take a look coming up in a wax. a change for a unique local museum.
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you will need to be patient. the traffic is expected to get heavier this çóweek. school is starting earlier inxd the south bay. students got a vip greeting thid morning. they shookxd hands with the district superintendent and the head of the teachers associatior
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who says school i'o starting early but it needs to. >> we reinstructed our school year to ñrensure that our first semester endsxdñiok before the break and ensure thatxd student have equal amount ofxd time in school for both semesters. it's earlier than in the best and optimal?; learning conditi for students. >> you will see acxd big change [9including critical thinking a san francisco's mid market district has landed another high-tech company, the company square ise1 moving into a space that used to house computers for bank of america. jack dorsey gave the mayoro+hp tour of the site today. it isñi taking over four floorsf the building. it's bringing 1,000jf employeeso the central market area whichus ju)q'cing a heck of açó
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>> when you have this dynamic range of folks from different backgrounds and different stories everyone getsçó more creative. >> in the lastt( several years, tech companies have taken over 1 million square dld( ofjf centr market. square is moving out of the chronicle building which will be occupied by yaó?s a crack down in egypt turnsr deadly. we have the video and the latesr on the situation there. a cargo jet crashes in the u.s. two pilots are dead. she was hoping for the best care for her baby and now she is worried about an infection after an alleged medical mistake. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] what is performance? 0 to 60?
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claims a nurse at lue sill pack cardv children's hospital gave her child theq breast milk from another mother. >> mom is now waiting to see if her baby contracted any >> this baby was born two months early weighing just aok little more than twoxdxd pounds. since then he has fought an q uphill battle to survive. he was diagnosed with a heart conditioni] and underweoú open heart surgery. his mom says because of an allergy he was on a restricted
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diet and onlyñi supposed to receive her breast milk. but she claims that didn't ñi happen. >> he was given formula by mistake. >> reporter: she claims her son had a snreaction to the formul and back on oxygen. now she is dealing with another major çómistake. else's breast milk by mistake.q >> reporter: charlie's parents are waitingñr for test results. >> he has a lot of allergies and for something like thisq we dont know what that motherq could ha3 for something like thisq we dont exposed to. >> weoq reached out to the hospital for a response to the allegations and receivedlp this statement. patient privacyñi regulations restrict the hospital from speaking about potential patient issues and therefore we are unable to provide comment on this matter. holly says,w3 while overall car at the hospitalñi helped her so
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she says she is frustrated that her son allegedly received breast milk from a stranger. >> for somethingfá like this to happen, where was the mess up here and how does something like this happen? i feel this is completely unacceptable. >> reporter: she just hopes what she callsw3 a breast milk mix u won't harm her son. ine.c palo alto, marianne favr nbc bay area news. women will not be able to make money by donating egg to medical search. the governor vetoed a bill on the ban for women being able to being paid for their eggs. women suffering from infertility are at a i]disadvantage. thexd affordable care act i now state volunteers will be
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in a few weeks, california will tro exchange, cover california. sam brock spent time with the people expected to explain itw3o the rest of us. >> reporter: they don't need to know 2,000 pages of literature. are th 300 page cliff notes version that detail how california is impacted. as many of the volunteers stressed to me it's a jfmaratho not a race and they are equipped to start a process that will takefá years or more to finish.i america's craving for security after the great depression didn't lead to instant gratification. ity act wase1 signed in 1935 and it took decades toe1 shape the program. congress and the public fought medicare for years beforee1 lynn b. johnsonñi could sign it into
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law. andlpe1 now obamae1 careñilp wi online insuranceok marketplace here in california oni] october 1st? aae we ready? these are the folks who ìá& mobilize the 5.3 million californias who are underinsured. we rant wanted to know if they had enoughlp át to prepare gn the bulky amount of material to absorb. >> when i walked in i saw theñi manual whicht( is about three o four inches thick and i took a picture of it. i was like this is crazy. i never had a manual this thick. >> reporter: but nadya and her colleagues discovered the material in this document isn't that complicated. >> it's a lot simpler than i thought it would be. it would be. >> reporter: there are 13
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yr5át companies, some with big names that you recognize that have state approved plans on the exchange. the idea is because there are so many of them in one pool thee1 prices as a whole willlp come down. and while it's true thereó[ ar fancy flowcharts and if you 6lrt here, then you qualify there type of thing, all you know is ifxd you need to know i you aret( a certain level above the páuvúsene youñr are approved for cost sharing, if not, you won't. >> affordable quality health care is coming to california. >> this is the message and her students are take it to the people who need to heart( it th most. >> a bridge. that's the biglp word here is t beáañ bridge between somethingñs big as health care in california and what is happening in the inner city communities and smaller, more isolated communities in the area. >> it's educating and passing
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the message and motivating to action. information is not enough. >> the lq)et( womanlp youúhíardm represents latino communities ii to health care. her poimd is one that isxd ech by her fellow educators, reaching people with important california is prepared to do that starting octoberñixd 1st. mastering thezv details willçó years but if history is anlp indicator that is how it works. the ntsb is investigatingxd the crash of a u.p.s. cargo plane that killed the pilots. look at the scene this morning. no one5a on the ground was injured. the witnesses heard a boom. and the cargo plane breaking apart as it snapped trees and others say they saw the fire before the plane crashed.
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>> i seen theñrxdñiñrjeáxd sky orange. when i seen the plane on fire i was like he's not going to make it. lane was en route from kentucky and crashed añr half me from the airport. thexd investigators have not recovered the black 3wbox. now to develop stories out of egypt. today's violence with 300 people killed. clashes between security forces and prcsters who supporte1 mohammed morsi erupting this morning as police used tear ñig1 bullets and large armoredçó vehicles to clear out demonstrators encampments. the vice president resigned and the u.s. is appealing for an end to the violence.ñi >> egyptians inside and outside the government need to take a step back. they need to calm the situation3 and avoid further loss of life.] >> today the single highest death toll since the 18-day
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ubarack in 2011. for the first time in five years, israel and thet( palestinians opened peace talks today. the israeli governmente1 showed negotiator shaking hands to an adviser. it's the third attempt sinceçó 2000 to agree on terms to create eó palestinian state. before the e1meeting, israeli w planes hit two places in gaza. a visibleñ1 reminder of the distrust between the two sides. of violating espionage acti] apologized today. he told the courtxd today he believed that releasing the documents would help people, not hurt them. but hee1 realizes his act was wrong.  he was sorry and knows he has to pay a price
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but hopes she sees him as a good person. he is facing up to 90 years in prison. sentencing phase of his trial. >> still ahead at 6:00,e1 slashg jobs. the giant making cuts. >> comingl'yup, a better way to search, how goo;tqle will givequ a personal assistant of sorts. signs of coolingçó changes the east bay. aw3 live look from the fremont cam. we'll have the latest timing in the fog factor forecast coming up.
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afálpe1 big name in silicony t roundq ofxd layoffs. wall street responded and cisco shares fell.xd
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cisco will cut 5,000 jobs globally. the company's earnings and revenue grew as the demand nor computer networking equipment increased. the global economy is challenging and inconsistent. cisco has about 17,000 employees inxd the bay area. mountain viewfá based googl is launching a google nowñi service. re. it will scan your calendar and can ask about a flight status, a package arriving andçó get a response. the feature will be available br the end of the year. you will be able to turn off the feature if yourt( assistant anns you. >> that never okhappens. >> no. >> you strike melp asñi a woman
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could enjoy a few assistants and turn them off if theyxd annoy e. we do have a loti] of weath. i did not haveçó an assistant ts afternoon. i didq this all t(myself. position this camera perfectly. thank you very much. you can see a lot ofq fog in th golden gateq bridge. we'll tell you about the marine layer and talk about the fog factor forecast.
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for half a century visitors to san francisco's fisherman's wharf have come face to face with presidentsok and popek( an other famous people. >> they are all madeo7o ofñr wa. we look at how a beloved tourist desuknation is closing up shop. >> i have literally grown up in
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this space. >> reporter:2tjere are few people whoxdçó can boast a child like rodney b.fong. he grew up surrounded by famous people. >>ñi this is the last supper scene. >> reporter: every day he goes to work with 350 celebrities fromçó movie stars to political figures. >> i don't think i have met anyone else. the wax museum atw3 fisherman's wharf for 50xd years. from thezv controversialfl to s famous. >> we have added two or three a year. some of the original ones aree1 still here and unlike us they don't age or turn gray. >> reporter: but the passage of time is kinder on wax than real people.xd people.xd aaî=im on g >> we are in the chamber of
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horrors. a big part of san francisco. we enjoyed every moment of it. >> reporter: the back room whic] housed the wax workshop is filled with bubble wrap. fong wants to find aok buyer to take them all. >> we arexd a family business b all of the wax figures are part of our family. who knows what happens here at night. we wanted to keep the wax family together. >> reporter: somee1 former works have entertained similar theories about the night. >> it went in the back of your mind are theyxd going to move o whatsoever. >> reporter: though the museum will be moving out, new ones will be movingçó in.çó madame d madame d madamt 3 madame tussaudse1xd will benb in. (t&háhp &hc& million visitors over 50 years
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are the whole ball of wax. >> to be scared a little bit and them out of their own space for 45 minutes or an hour is something thatjf we all need. it will be sad to see it go but fun to have madame tussauds. i think they should have a wax figure of jeff doing the weather. >> it's not the same because he's so animated. >> it would take a long time. you know how long it takes to get this hair perfectly in place? a lot ofe1 wax. we want to focus in on the is it 10 to 30 miles an hour. is getting the fog mac to go at the coastline. running from 3 to 6 degrees cooler for the interior valleys. so let's get a look. we'ree1 going to see the fog at
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theçó coastlineok also by the b. theçó coastlineo(;mperatures go throughout 11:00 a.m. as thee1 g is slow to clear. for the interior valleys we will be clear attú41:00 p.m. tonight. low cloud cover at 5:00 and mainly clear tomorrow. let's m outside to the high-definition sky camera network. ñ san jose. but we have cloud coverlp beginning to move across the bay at this hour.r there is some in fosteri] city. the marine layerñi at 1500 feett this hour.lg and we take you off to the north and emeryville. there is that fog at about 2,000 feet and we have made changes to the fog factor forecast with this spreading in quicker than originally thought earlier today. instead of theq coastline in th northern countiesxd highlights are highlighting everyone. i do think we're not going to be able to rule out the cloud cover to start.
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it's going to be a departure from the past three mornings. throughout thefj$p#ternoon on thursday it will stay at the coastline. take thejfq jacket. it wille1 be blustery. and dries drizzle at the coastline. zn jose. 84 in palo alto. and 91 in gilroy. for the east bay insteadq of th mid-90s we'll go with 88 in dublin. and 89 in qlivermore. and 78 forever alameda.ok ìz side or 66 in half-moon çóbay. 68 in sanqi] francisco. 83ñi in sonoma and 86 in napa. triple digits is this tro?g oqn low pressure. have 100-plus degree heatñi in e forecast.fá it will filter in cooler air from the pacific and increasing
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the wind for the next three days. r r on the seven day. friday and saturday p#arily temperatures in the mid and upper 80s inland and we start to increase the heat monday andlp tuesday. the fire concern is up lowering humidity in the bay area. that's going to be something we'll watch with drought conditions in california. but as for tomorrow, again we'll and a decent dayq once that clod cover burns off by the afternoon. terry ilp will have to admit yo are animated yourself. >> i noticed you walking over tr half-moonfá bay. if you have that in a wax museum it won't work. >> i think you would work in a wax museum. >> sf%u did not meanok that as ( compliment. all right. >> wow. >> jim. how areçó you? i'm getting insulted out here. >> enjoy the crowd.
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>> i don't like that.ñi f#é i like boy over the the e1koz, the sweens. >> we start off today with unfortunate injury news this comes out of new england patriots camp. let me tell you why. we have tom brady on this play. he had to leave practice aftert hurting his left knee.e.c you can see on the video it's the knee that heçó hadñr surger in 2008. çinjury.w3 hopefully just a precautionary measure. now tolp the raiders. of the offensive line will undergo surgery for a torn triceps. there is a chance he couldq mis the entire 2013 season.
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now let's move to thec 49er. quarterback colin kaepernick. look at him,ñi looking healthy ever gracing the cover of "gq." the photos havee1 garnered 200,0 combined likes. notñi including my own, of courq >> reporter: a monthñi afterlp gracing the cover of qqespn's by issue, colin kaepernick is thee cover boy of "gq" before prac!ice they wanted to talk about football and little to say about the cover. >> it was a great honor. i waslplp excited. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> a great experience.ñi had a lot of fun with them. but we're focused on football ">> you can get youre1 hands oe september nfl kickoff issue soon. it's set to hit newsstands august 20th. nbc bay area.
6:53 pm
>> thanks very much. kaepernick and the 49ers face off against the chiefs friday at arrowhead. that means a first look at alex smith in the opposing colors. but just a pre-season, right? here'se1 alex smith and his >> a little different. i'm playing my old team. and i love the guys iokñi playe with a while@ñánow. but it's a t(qpre-season game.xd and it's still -- it's just another step. once -- the focus is on jacksonville for us. this isok another step as we wo toward that. still in camp mode. still working. so it's another pre-season çóga. then again it's not. >> i think more it's not. let's go to baseball. giants and nationals, bottom of the fourth, bases loaded. the ball is over the head. a two-run double. that was off tim lincecum. nats lead it 3-1.jf
6:54 pm
a bloop job to left.i] they lead it okxd6-4 in the nin inning right now. the usa and bosnia. 2-1, bosnia. altidor with the equalizer. in the 84th minute watch this free kick curl@(in. his second goal. u.s. up 3-2. michael bradley finds altidor. he's a mad hatter. usa winsñi 4-3. wi sfrgak to 12 games.qok usa's win streak the longest currenç'iáqpi in the world. take that, world. that's how we get ourt( kicks around here. pushing around thee1 rest ofw3 world. through the perilous fight like the -- what is this thing called? >> are you okay,lp jim? >> iñi don't know. >> take some time to recoup. >> he's got fire.
6:55 pm
>> thank you, jim. we'll be right back.
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tonight at 11:00 -- >> how many of the casefá would you say you think are just mental health issues? >> i'd say t(90%. >>xd exorcism, more and moree1 people turning to it but are they looking in the right place? >> that will do it this evening. hope to see you tonight at 11:00.xd
6:58 pm
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7:00 pm
>> now on "extra," "real housewives" teresa giudice faces the judge. how teresa and her husband, joe, the real crooks of new jersey? "extra" is in the courtroom. from breaking the bank to broke. "housewives" lowsing more than just their houses. simon's baby mama secretly settles her divorce. how many millions her ex has to force over? now trending, what led oprah to come this close to a nervous breakdown? ashton kutcher breaks "2 1/2 men" news. will they change the name now that a girl is joining


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